7 Ways To Remove Acne Scars On His Back

11:21 PM

How To Remove Acne Scars On His Back

How To Remove Acne Scars

Acne is not a dangerous disease, but it would be very disturbing. Besides disturbing appearance, acne can also cause pain. Acne is caused by blockage of the pores of our skin because of the presence of impurities in the air around. Therefore, our skin should be kept clean so that no pimples attached to the skin of the body, especially in punngung and in the face. Because if there is already acne and imprint will be difficult while eliminating acne scars.

Actually, acne can not only appear on the face, but may also occur in other parts of the body. Body parts are often attacked by back acne and facial. Most of the causes of acne on his back is too high testosterone hormones, lack of clean clothing, medicinal chemistry, and many other causes. Despite being behind, acne scars will be very annoying.

To resolve this, I will provide tips for those who want to eliminate acne scars on his back:

1. Maintain Body with Anti-Bacterial Soap
In general, the cause of acne is due to the lack of cleanliness of the body Therefore, bathe regularly to keep your body clean and minimize the risk of growth of acne. You can use anti-bacterial soap to make it more effective.

2. Scrub regularly
Doing scrub aims to remove dead skin cells so that it does not cover acne, so acne will be easier to cure. You can scrub with a soft grain; the aim is to prevent skin irritation. After the scrub is complete, do not forget to put on lotion. Make a scrub regularly such as 1 week. Oh yes, do removal of dead skin cells (scrub) also not too often because it can cause skin irritation.

Step 2 should only be done if the acne is not inflamed / severe.

3. Using Lemon Fruit
Lemon contains (vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorus and carbohydrates) are useful for acne treat and remove the black spots. Here's how:
Squeeze 1 lemon
Mix with a little water
Use a cotton swab to apply the lemon juice serve targeted on areas of skin with acne.

4. Aspirin
Does aspirin? Yes it fevers febrifuge. It is not only effective to reduce the heat; the drug is also effective for treating acne, both acne on face and acne on his back. Because it is known in medicine that contains anti inflames aspirin to prevent clogging of skin pores. How I can?
Puree 10 points (to taste) aspirin until completely smooth
Mixed with water, then stir to form a paste
Apply on skin that has acne
Allow about 15-20 minutes
Rinse with water / ice cold water

5. Tomatoes
You guessed it once, and acne on the face, tomatoes can also be used to treat acne growing on your back. These tomatoes also can be used as a substitute scrub how:
Presents some ripe tomatoes with a vibrant red color
Puree in blender
Rub on the skins that have acne
Set aside time to dry
Said with cold water

6. Orange Leather
Citrus fruits rich in benefits, since orange is one of the highest sources of vitamin C. However, it is not just the fruit; skin was it turns out we can use to treat acne, how easily:
Soak the dried tangerine peel in water
Puree in blender
Then mix with a few spoonfuls of milk
Apply on skin with acne
Let stand for - + 15-20 minutes
Rinse with cold water

7. Using White Egg
Besides useful to brighten the skin, egg whites are also effective to cure acne on the back. Here's how:
Separate the egg whites from the yolks
Pith implements these eggs in areas of skin with acne
Let stand 20-30 minutes / until dry
Wash with cold water

All roads already mentioned above, reliable and proven effective for treating acne, acne is not only growing in the back, but also for other parts of the body to treat acne. But you should know that the above is not magic, that can cure acne directly. Therefore, care should be taken regularly, for maximum results. Perform the above methods until your acne is completely cured. But if your acne does not go away, contact your doctor, get a better solution. Ok, good luck and hopefully these tips helpful.

What do you think about the above tips to get rid of acne? Help, or you usually have their own minds about acne? If you have any other tips to tell about acne, please feel free to share via the comments field yes :)
See Also  --> 7 Home Remedies For Acne

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